The Original Debt

We are in debt because we were born

The Original Debt
We are in debt because we were born.

In God we have Original Sin (we are sinners because we dared being born). In Mother, in Father, we have Original Debt (we are debtors because we dared being born).

It’s a debt we incur in, from the very moment we are conceived. We didn’t choose it, just like we didn’t choose to be sinful. And this debt goes beyond money. What we owe is all of ourselves.

It is our burden, the cost of our right to live. An intrinsic and undebatable part of our existence.

It is a debt we never stop paying, and which is charged in merciless amounts. Interest (be that emotional, physical, idiosyncratic) keeps accumulating our whole life. Even when both our creditors are physical people no more, even if they didn’t even manifest themselves, this Original Debt follows us forever.

If you dare question this Debt, or (even think of) try to renounce or denounce it, the consequences could be dire. Because the Debt is paid, one way or another.

The only benefit to this Debt is it’s transitive. When we have our sons, our daughters (no capital S or D, of course), we unload the Debt on them. “Because it is our right”. And, in that way, we can pay part of the cost that was forced upon us. We can force others to pay for it. It is finally our turn to become creditors. As they will in their due time.

And that is a crucial piece in the cycle of violence that rules our lives.

About the author

An expatriate from the ancestral land of the Huetar people. Descendant of the few who survived and the colonizers who enslaved them, murdered them and stole their land, their culture and their name.

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